María Hernández-Ojeda


Since Fall 2004, I have taught graduate and undergraduate courses in Spanish language and Iberian/Canary Islands literatures at Hunter College-CUNY. Below you can view my student project Narrating Memory (student essays on the Abraham Lincoln Brigade), Hunter College Study Abroad program in the Canary Islands, my project Autoetnografía Latinx with students in my Introductory Spanish for Heritage Speakers course, the collaborative online international project (COIL) with students from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, my work at Hunter College ACERT, selected course syllabi, and sample photos of student activities in my classes.

Project website Narrating Memory.
Study Abroad in the Canary Islands.
Syllabus for Cuban-Canarian literature.
Latinx Autoethnography project.
ACERT Faculty Fellow website.
ACERT Faculty Working Group.
Syllabus for Spanish Anarchist Women Writers
Syllabus for Thomas Hunter Honors Program
Collaborative Online International project
Syllabus for class on Spanish Cultures

Graduate students visit the archives at the Tamiment Library (2023)

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